Market testing for private sector involvement in inland rail begins

Source: Federal Government -

22 September 2016

Federal Government: The Government is now inviting the private sector to register its interest in the design, construction, delivery and financing of the Inland Rail project.

Private sector involvement in the delivery of Inland Rail will be in partnership with Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC).

ARTC is concurrently seeking expressions of interest for technical engineering and environmental approval services for the project.

ARTC will undertake robust wide-ranging public consultation and engagement throughout the market testing process.

This is the crucial next phase in ensuring Inland Rail is construction ready.

The Inland Rail project has the potential to deliver real benefits to our farmers, primary producers and manufacturers. The project will provide a high performance and direct interstate rail corridor between Melbourne and Brisbane, enabling freight operators to avoid the congested Sydney network and get goods to market quickly.

Further information on the market testing process, including the Terms of Reference, are available at
(external link).

Further information on the ARTC Expressions of Interests process can be found at
(external link).





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