NorthHub website makes $985m Northern Connector project jobs more accessible

Source: South Australian Government -

27 July 2016

SA Government: A new website has been launched linking jobseekers to vacancies on the $985 million Northern Connector project.

The NorthHub website, launched today by the major contractor Lendlease, is already advertising both live job opportunities and expressions of interest for future roles on the three-year project.

It will allow jobseekers to sign up for alerts when new opportunities are posted, while also providing updates and information about how the works are progressing.

The website will support the job and training hub being developed on-site at Waterloo Corner, providing a one-stop location for jobseekers in the market for one of the project’s estimated 480 jobs a year.

The State Government has committed to ensuring at least half of those positions go to workers from Adelaide’s northern suburbs.


From today, prospective applicants can register at the NorthHub website for alerts as jobs are posted online.

Anyone who expresses an interest for a role will be notified when the specific role is available to allow them to formally apply.

Any applicant who has registered their interest on the Lendlease Careers page will automatically receive notifications for all roles advertised in that job family, as well as updates from the project team about how works are progressing and anticipated timeframes for when employment opportunities will become available.

Early works are expected to commence on the ground from October 2016, and as the work program increases, more jobs will become available.

The 15.5km Northern Connector is the next section of the non-stop motorway linking Port Wakefield Road, the Northern Expressway, Port River Expressway, South Road Superway and the Salisbury Highway.

The Australian Government is contributing $788 million and the State Government $197 million to deliver the $985 million project.

The Northern Connector project also supports the Northern Economic Plan - a blueprint for a prosperous northern Adelaide, focused on creating jobs and empowering local communities.

More information is available at the Northern Economic Plan website,

Quotes attributable to Transport and Infrastructure Minister Stephen Mullighan

The Northern Connector is one of almost $2.5 billion of major infrastructure projects which have begun or will begin this year in South Australia creating thousands of jobs.

The NorthHub website provides another means to connect jobseekers, particularly those we are targeting in the northern suburbs, to the hundreds of opportunities which will be available on this project.

Public infrastructure projects such as the Northern Connector not only inject investment into the local construction industry, they also create jobs for local workers.

It’s pleasing to see Lendlease’s commitment to embracing local workers and businesses in this almost one-billion dollar project.

We want to make sure that local businesses and workers gain the greatest benefit from the investment of taxpayer funds and Lendlease is demonstrating its commitment to this policy with the creation of this website to support the one-stop on-site jobs and training facility, NorthHub.

Quotes attributable to the head of the Northern Connector Jobs Taskforce Lee Odenwalder

We have made a commitment to ensure at least half of the estimated 480 jobs a year on the Northern Connector project go to workers from the northern suburbs.

Over the last six months I have met with Lendlease, with local workers and businesses, building networks, local training providers and local business centres like the Stretton Centre and the Polaris Centre, to ensure that these jobs targets are met.

I am confident that Lendlease will meet its local employment targets, as well its commitment to training places and places for disadvantaged workers and indigenous businesses and contractors.

Now that NorthHub website has been established, part of my job will be to ensure that it is promoted in the sections of my community where it will have the greatest effect.

I will also meet regularly with NorthHub and with the Lendlease management to see how I can help in any way to achieve our common aim, which is jobs for the northern suburbs.





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