Delivering Territory growth through three new strategic plans

Source: Northern Territory Government -

25 July 2016

NT Government: The Country Liberals Government is continuing to drive economic growth and social cohesion with the release of three strategies for Territory transport.

Minister for Transport Peter Chandler said the Northern Territory encompasses 1,349,129 sq. km’s with the Northern Territory Government responsible for a 22,000 km road network that includes thousands of river and creek crossings, more than 220 bridges, 55 roadside rest areas, 131 truck parking bays; and 260 km of urban shared pathways.

“For the Territory to grow as an economic powerhouse, it is vital that appropriate transport infrastructure is well planned and managed to target investment that will support access to markets and facilitate growth.”

Development of transport infrastructure is pivotal to unlocking the Territory’s economic and social potential and will maximise new and evolving opportunities within the Northern Territory, Northern Australia and with our Asian neighbours. 

The Country Liberals Government has released three strategic plans which provide a strong foundation for growth;   

All strategies have been finalised following extensive community and stakeholder consultation.

The Roads and Bridges Strategy outlines major strategic projects planned for the short, medium and long term and provides the foundation for a reliable and efficient road and bridge network. This increased efficiency and reliability is fundamental to the Territory’s ability to grow, for its people to connect and prosper, and for major industries to reach their full potential.

Minister Chandler said improving the road and bridge network will improve the logistics supply chain and strengthen the Territory’s role as Australia’s strategic gateway to Asia.

“The Resource, Agriculture, Horticulture and Tourism sectors will all benefit from improved access to remote and regional areas, as well as distribution points in the major centres.

“Freight routes, haulage of extractive materials and the support for reservation of corridors for the future have all been considered.”

As part of the release of this strategy, an interactive, web-based tool, which will be available to the public, has been created which maps the Network Investment Plan across the Northern Territory road network.

The Darwin Regional Transport Plan 2016 focusses on integrating transport and land use with future planning for public transport, roads, cycling and walking across the Darwin region.

The Plan sets out the NT Government’s strategic vision, key issues and priorities for transport within the Darwin Region and is guided by Government’s key policies including Framing the Future and the Economic Development Strategy.

“Recognising how important active transport is to health and well-being, the environment and our communities, this strategy also commits to improving cycling and walking infrastructure across the region.”

Land use significantly influences transport networks by determining where homes, jobs and other destinations are located, potentially reducing the need to travel, increasing the ease of travelling between these destinations and providing access to affordable and alternate travel choices.

The Aviation Industry and Services Strategy 2020 acknowledges the role the aviation sector has in developing the north and details how regional, national and international air services are integral to the Northern Territory’s ability to accommodate increased tourism, resource industries and business opportunities.

“Access to reliable air service delivery in remote and regional centres is essential to the development of the NT.”

The Minister said these strategies are three key components of the Integrated Transport Planning and Investment Roadmap. The Roadmap sets out the Northern Territory Government’s vision and investment framework for the Territory’s future transport, freight and logistics requirements.

“These strategies support the Country Liberals Government’s Framing the Future strategic plan which sets out policy that underpins service delivery for all Territorians,” said Mr Chandler.

To find out more about the three strategies and use the interactive web-based Road Network Investment Plan mapping tool visit



James Perrin – 0447 826 918


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